TMPS wrote:
Hi, New here but I've been lurking the form for a bit and was wondering if I could get some help/direction. I've tried contacting Engine Labs from their website and Jim from the posted email but I've gotten nothing back. I've got a 308 Ecu and I'm trying to run a GM 3800 V6 for a engine sawp. I've got most of it down except on the AEM software it doesn't allow for custom crank/cam patterns that I would need (3x hall crank, 1x hall cam. Should have done more research). I've gone through the software and found a data table that it pulls from and managed to possibly make a custom pattern but I'm not 100% if it would work and want to talk to someone experienced with it since it looks the software might also pull from other data files that are compiled. Not sure if you know anything or would be able to help me get in touch with the engine lab guys. The swap is pretty barebones sensor wise but I just need to get the crank/cam signals down. Not sure if the modifications I've done would work or if I need to convert to the EL firmware, I just want to get it running at this point.
My though it if you tell me exactly what the crank pattern is, I can plug it into the EL software and let you know if it works. On the list I see GMLS7, GMLFX, GM Ecotech LFX...Hall v relutor it doesn't really care, you can set up which pins have what siganal as long as the ECU you have has the number of inputs you're trying to use its fine. Last resort is you could add a custom trigger wheel with a standard missing tooth patter. Good luck!