So, Stella is getting new engine. I built an engine while in engine machinist school back in 1987. I was a .040 over 350 chevy. $ bolt main, forged crank & pistons, ARP studs. It was a short block. I have a set of steel heads from a 72 350 that were reworked. Bronze guides, screw in studs, big valves and springs, mild port job. I never had it completed or running. It was apart and in storage for many years. When my wife got her truck, I revived the short block and heads. I have since then acquired the Camaro and got it running. Now i have acquired a set of ARP 210 CNC ported heads. Those heads are going on the Camaro 383. The heads on the 383 are mild ported Dart aluminum heads. This weekend I pulled the engine from the Camaro and took the heads off. Cleaned them up and changed the valve springs to a hydraulic flat tappet spring. I put those heads on the old .040 350 short block with a newer Comp Cams hydraulic flat tappet cam. Should be very rowdy. It will also get an upgraded ignition with MSD billet distributor and Digital 6AL box.
I will need to bring the truck to my work and use the A Frame hoist to swap the engine. My hoist won't quite get the truck engine out.
I still need to port the intake to fit the AFR heads and get the 383 back together but Stella is first. I love old Chevy stuff, just swap and mix and match.
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_________________ Wade Williams Master Ferrari Tech Restoration Tech Engine Machinist Fabricator Racecar Driver