I never even looked at the plugin stuff
I was thinking first there needs to be a working model THEN there can be tools to make using it easy and when I played with the AEM stuff I kept thinking "but I don't want a wizard, I just want to go change this 1 thing not reset everything". I do now understand why they use then...there are a number of things that require you to go into the model to setup and they don't want you to do that....the wizard is the solution. I'm trying to convince Jim a few little things should change here and there to make use easier, he seems really focused on things from a programming view and hasn't really looked at it from a user view yet because AEM was handling all that and worked with what they had rather than ask for new stuff it appears.
I think in the next 1-2 years EL and the interface will get a lot more user friendly since jim has it installed on his car now.....the notes for v8521 say it improves layout tab manipulation but is not yet drag and drop as I'd like to see...I'll keep sending Jim notes...right now I'm pushing for a running 30-60sec loop log so plots are live when you're tuning and you always have the ability to see what just happened and the ability to make the plot a fixed time scale so you always know exactly what period your looking at whci will compliment the loop log nicely